Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Two way probability table




Title - What you will be explaining?


Introduction - Tell your audience what the topic is about and what is to be explained.


Information - Explain the elements or steps in a logical sequence


Conclusion - Final summarising statement, an evaluation or comment about what you have explained.



What is your writing topic?

Todays Hourua Meeting 


Hook your reader - write a question, a statement or a definition about your topic

Today at 11:00 am we had our Hauora meeting where we learned life lessons about us, our community and our planet.


Start with First OR Firstly... 

Tell your reader about your FIRST element 

We played a game where you have to make a sentence with the word you're given. 

-Explain your FIRST  element

-Give an example of your FIRST element

First we played a game where we had to make a statement or sentence using the word on the screen.


Start with Secondly OR Next OR Also

Tell your reader about your SECOND element 

Next we started talking about our house lesson which was Let's get it done in 2021, It's your responsibility to act. We are behind you so go ahead and get it done.

-Explain your SECOND idea

-Give an example of your SECOND element 

Secondly we  talked about the theme of our huoura lesson.


Start with Finally OR Then…  

Tell your reader about your THIRD idea

Then while we were all talking about responsibility and the theme for our houra lesson we had to write the answers in the chat. 

-Explain your THIRD idea

-Give an example of your THIRD idea

We talked about the subject and we answered the questions in the chat. 


Share the three elements you have written about again - try to use some different words/phrases
Playing a game in our Hours meeting, talking about the theme in our Houra meeting and answering the questions we were given in our Houra meeting. 

Finish your writing with a question OR your overall opinion about the topic OR an interesting statement about the topic for your reader to think about 

I think that the Haoura meeting was fun to talk about because it could be used as a life lesson. 

Tuesday, 19 October 2021

2.1A He aha tenei?

 This is My Te Reo Work for this Week.

                                                                    Here is a video of me 

What I did In the Holidays

This is My Writing about what I

did in the holidays.