Friday, 15 June 2018

The story of matiriki

One day there was 7 sisters and they wanted to fly there kites But they couden

because it was not windy so they hung there kitis Kites to a tree and went to sleep. But matiki the good of wind

Took there kitis . But then the yougest sister woke up and looked

Every were but she coudnot see them so she started to cry but her sisters woke up and worked togethere to find there kitis

But they looked everywere but they coud not find them?. But the yougested sister saw there kitis up up up up far far in the sky .

Then the yougested sister soar them and said can we have ourkitis back pleas?. No said the god of wind. Then the 7 sisters said that the god of wind coud keep the kitis. The end