Start of the year welcome
After we were sorted from the hall where we had our first assembly for 2021. When we got to team 5 we got a big welcome from the year 8's students singing a waiata to welcome us. I felt nervous on the first day of school because I wanted to be in the same classroom as my friends. Then we all got sorted into our homeroom for this year. My assigned homeroom was room 5. When we all sat down in room 5 we played various games to try and get to know each other.

Tech at Tamaki College in 2021
Manaiakalani Movies/ Film Festival for 2021
After a few weeks we all settled into our classrooms for 2021 we found out what tech groups we were in for 2021. There are 4 tech groups you can be in and they are Stem, Cooking,Hard materials and Robotics. I was cooking for Term 1. For Term 4 I was in Hard Materials.
Even Though we were in lock down during our film festival we still got to enjoy watching the manaiakalani movies at home all together on a google meet. My favourite manaiakalani movie was from room 1 with Mr. Moran and it's called Magnetic Meatballs.

How I felt about 2021
2021 has been very tricky especially with covid 19 but I still managed to have a great time in Room 3 with my friends. I will miss all of my year 8 friends that are leaving to go to college next year. I'm looking forward to coming back in year 8 in 2022.
If you like my writing about how 2021 was for me please leave a positive comment on my blog.
Have a great day everyone :)